create your future with Amanda

How to change your reality | parallel realities explained with Amanda

How I use thought transmission and a mental diet to manifest anything! with Amanda

How to change his mind with Amanda

How to manifest fast with resistance by Amanda

Thought Transmission Explained by Amanda

Feeling stuck Watch this to speed up your manifestation with Amanda

How to change any circumstance with Amanda

How to manifest a relationship fast with Amanda

Manifest any SP no matter what & effortlessly change any 3rd party situations with Emily and Amanda

How to build your belief in yourself with Amanda

How I manifested my proposal with Amanda

What is your Specific Person thinking with Amanda

How to Stop Reacting with Amanda

law of assumption simply explained by Amanda

How to manifest a text with Amanda Living from the end

Get them to say what you want to hear with Amanda | Success Story


Get What You Want Fast with Amanda!

How to manifest without lifting a finger with Amanda

What is your self concept and how to change it with Amanda

Amanda's Easy Manifesting Techniques

My secret on how I manifest anyone and anything fast with Amanda

How to manifest fast with thought transmission ft Amanda

How to create what you want fast! with Amanda